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Vinogradov Society of Rheology

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The Society of Rheology of the USSR was created in 1989 and it became a member of the International Rheological Committee (IRC) in 1990.
The first USSR Symposium on Rheology was held in Moscow in 1964. Professor G.V. Vinogradov (b.1910-d.1988) was the organizer, Chairman and the most active participant of the first and subsequent 15 All-Union Symposia.
After the collapse of USSR and with the intention to save our Community, in 1992 the Society was renamed "Vinogradov Society of Rheology".
Nowadays it comprises the countries of the former USSR.

Officers and contact persons:
President: Prof. Valery Kulichikhin
Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis Russian Academy of Sciences
29 Leninsky Pr., Moscow 117912, Russia
tel.: +7 (495) 952-4145, fax: +7 (495) 230-2224, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

  • Delegate to the ICR: Prof. Alex Malkin e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
  • Secretary: Dr. Ernst Frenkin tel. +7 (495) 9554336
  • Treasurer: Dr. L.Ivanova tel. +7(495) 9554388 
  • Biomedical Section (text only in Russian)

Recent and future meetings:

Five Symposia: 1992 (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), 1994 (Saratov, Russia), 1996, 2000 (Karacharovo, Russia), 1998 (Klaipeda, Lithuania); 2002 (Seliger, Russia); 2004 (Valday, Russia)
Two rheology schools: 1993 (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia); 1995 (Kazan', Russia); Discussion Conference: 1993 (Klaipeda, Lithuania), Scientific Seminars : 2000, 2001 (Saratov).
The Society's seminar operates permanently (meeting 4-5 times a year).
  • The photo from the last Symposium on Valday is here
  • 24 th Symposium will be held in June 2008 in Karacharovo, the programme is here.

About other forthcoming events

The laboratory of Polymer Rheology at A.V.Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis with the present Head of the laboratory - Prof.V.G.Kulichikhin in 2000


In 1996 we established the annual Vinogradov Prize (diploma and purse).

In 1995, the Vinogradov Prize was awarded to Prof. Yu.Deinega (Kiev, Ukraine), Prof. A.Malkin (Moscow), Dr. L.Ivanova (Moscow) and Dr.E.Frenkin (Moscow);
in 1996 to Prof. Z. Shulman (Minsk, Belarus) and PhD student A.Tereshin (Moscow);
in 1997 to Prof.Priss L. (Moscow) and Prof. Faitelson L. (Riga, Latvia);
in 1998 to Prof.V.Kuleznev (Moscow) and Dr.N.Shakirov (Per'm);
in 1999 to Prof.V.Kulichikhin (Moscow) and Prof.A.Isaev (Akron, USA);
in 2000 to Prof.A.Leonov (Akron, USA) and Prof.V.Volkov (Moscow);
in 2001 Prof. V..Dreval (Moscow) and Prof. N.Entov (Moscow);
in 2002 Prof.V. Izmailova (Moscow, post mortum)) and Prof. A.Stolin (Chernogolovka);
in 2003 Prof.N.Uriev (Moscow), in 2004 Prof. V.Ionova and Prof. T.Hazanovich (Moscow);
in 2005 Prof. G.V. Pyshnograi (Barnaul) and Prof. N.N. Samsonova (Moscow);
in 2006 - Prof. Kandyrin L.B.(Москва) fnd Prof. N.A.Gorbunova (Moscow);
in 2007 Prof. Mizhikovsky S.M. and Dr. S.V.Kotomin (Moscow).

RheoWorld links & events:

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European Society of Rheology Journal of Rheology
The Society of Rheology Rheologica Acta
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Revised 11.02.2008. You may send comments about this page to S.V.Kotomin, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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