85 Н.А. Плате 90 лет ИНХС РАН
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S.S.Namyotkin Laboratory 3 of Petroleum Chemistry

professor Oleg P. Parenago Head of Laboratory, Dr.Sci.(Chem.), professor Oleg P. Parenago
+7 (495) 955 42 36

Laboratory of Petroleum Chemistry was founded right after foundation of Institute of Fossil Fuels USSR Academy of Sciences in 1934. Its founder, academician Sergey S. Namyotkin was the first head of the laboratory and held this position up to his decease in 1950. Academician Nikolai D. Zelinsky, an eminent organic and petrochemical scientist, was at the head of one of the laboratory groups in 1934-1941. In 1947 following Institute of Petroleum Chemistry separation from Institute of Fossil Fuels the Laboratory of Petroleum Chemistry fully passed to the new-organized Institute. Since 1950 till 1959 academician A.V. Topchiev run the laboratory. In 1958 Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis AS USSR was founded on the base of Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, and a number of laboratories were separated from the Laboratory of Petroleum Chemistry to develop research in petrochemical synthesis, olefins polymerization, organosilicon compounds and other areas. Professor P.I. Sanin run the Laboratory of Petroleum Chemistry since 1959 till 1989, and in 1989 professor O.P. Parenago was appointed the head of the laboratory.

Laboratory research activities are conducted in the following areas:
  • Petroleum and related objects chemical composition research;
  • Synthesis and research additives to lubricants;
  • Inorganic membranes pirocarbon modification;
  • Oxide adsorbents research for catalyst carriers and fuel cells.
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